Welcome to HC Whitetails
South Texas
HC Whitetails breeds whitetails with Texas genetics that are geared towards producing big main frame typicals. Our genetics consist primarily of Texas bloodlines, that produce big, typical frames. When you buy deer from us we guarantee them healthy upon arrival.
The foundation genetics at HC Whitetails consist of many prolific bloodlines in the industry including Voodoos Magic, Cash Flow, Perfect Dream, Big Stitch, Witch Dr and The Judge.
We sell breeder bucks, stocker bucks, bred/open does and fawns. Contact us today to find out how we can help you build your herd.
Feel free to visit HC Whitetails Breeding for more details.
Hunting at the Ranch
Our mission at our family owned South Texas ranch is to produce trophy whitetail bucks with wide, typical frames.
The ranch has whitetail and exotic hunts ranging from management hunts to trophy hunts. Whether you are a parent looking for your sons/daughters first buck or a trophy hunter looking for your next trophy whitetail, we can cater to your needs.
We also offer dove, axis, blackbuck, Texas doll, quail and turkey hunts.
Please visit Hunting at the Ranch for more details.